
Healing Is a Choice


But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5 (NIV)

Jesus paid the price for your healing (Isaiah 53:5). He can heal even your deepest wounds, and you can become all that He created you to be. It doesn’t matter how wounded you are when you come to Him for help.

My childhood and teenage years were disappointing and discouraging—full of fear, verbal and sexual abuse, violence and strife. As anyone might guess, I became a very bitter, angry, pessimistic person, and self-pity became a huge roadblock to the healing of my soul. I just refused to get past my past.

Finally, God spoke to my heart and said to me, “Joyce, you can be pitiful or powerful, but you can't be both. Which do you want?” That was a shocking revelation that forced me to wake up and face the truth: Yes, I had an abusive childhood and suffered from all the problems that go with it—but the time had come for me to choose to get over all that and find out what God had planned for my life.

Let God Heal Your Soul

Joyce shares encouragement about God’s healing for your life.


“No matter how difficult or how slow your healing seems, I urge you to believe that God is still working.”
—Joyce Meyer

Study Suggestion

Where are you in your journey to healing and restoration? Pray and ask God to help you take one step at a time…one day at a time…so you can continue your journey to total healing and restoration. Write in a journal about the life you really long to have. Don’t be shy or hold back. With God, all things are possible!