
Check Your Motives


All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. - Proverbs 16:2 (NIV)

It’s very easy sometimes for us to deceive ourselves about our motives—the why behind the what—so it’s good to take the time occasionally to ask God to show us anything that we might be doing for a wrong reason.

I love doing what I call “motive checks.” An honest evaluation of our motives can be hard, but it can be one of the most freeing things we ever do. Start by asking yourself specific questions such as, “Why am I doing this? or “Do I really have a heart for this?” God sees and knows what’s in your heart, and He will help us see if we’re doing something for a wrong reason. The things we’re doing can be completely without value if the reason we are doing them is wrong. I frequently reevaluate my motives and discontinue things I find I am doing for the wrong reason, and that helps me keep my priorities in order. I encourage you to take some time for soul-searching and learn the “why” behind your “what.”

What’s the Condition of Your Heart?

Learn how to guard your heart and prevent “heart” damage. READ MORE


“If our motives aren’t pure, we may start out serving our families and friends and loving it. But after a while, our hearts can begin to change and we begin to expect something in return.”
— Joyce Meyer, Living a Life You Love

Study Suggestion

Ask God to show you why you do many of the things you do, especially the ones that seem to add stress to your life. If you are willing to eliminate everything that is done with wrong motives, you may suddenly find more peace in your life and schedule.