
Taming a Wild and Wandering Mind


Guard your steps and focus on what you are doing as you go to the house of God... - Ecclesiastes 5:1 (AMP)

Webster’s dictionary defines the word wander as: “1. To move about aimlessly: ROAM. 2. To go by an indirect route or at no set pace: AMBLE. 3. To proceed in an irregular course or action: MEANDER…. 5. To think or express oneself unclearly or incoherently.”1 If your mind starts to “wander” while you are studying God’s Word, be persistent in keeping your mind on what you are doing. And be patient with yourself! The enemy wants us to constantly think that something is wrong with us, but the truth is, God made us…and everything He does is good!

  1. Webster’s II, s.v. “wander”

The Benefits of a Made-up Mind

Are you constantly answering with “I don’t know,” “It doesn’t matter,” or “I don’t care”? Learn how to overcome indecision. READ MORE


“The present moment is the greatest gift we have from God, but if we are not present we miss it.”
— Joyce Meyer

Study Suggestion

Study God’s Word at increasing lengths of time, to see how long you can maintain focus. When your mind begins to wander, just come back to where you left off and begin again. And whatever you do, don’t get discouraged! The purpose is to simply spend time with God and allow Him to speak to you through His Word. And before you know it, you’ll make noticeable strides in this area.