See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. - Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

Let God Do Something New in You
God has a good plan for our lives, and He wants to do a new thing in us and through us. But if you’re stuck in the past, thinking about the bad things that have happened to you or the things you regret and can’t do anything about, then you won’t see what God is doing right now.
We think and say, "It's time for a change! I need something new," and then we hesitate to embrace that new thing when it comes. If you are ready for something new and fresh, don't be afraid to embrace it. Don't stay trapped in the past. Let go of what lies behind and press into the great future God has planned for you. I can promise you: God is with you. He will lead you and He will strengthen you.
It’s Time for a Change!
Discover how to let God completely transform your life. READ NOW
“Don’t stay trapped in the past. Let go of what lies behind and press into the great future God has planned for you.”
—Joyce Meyer
Study Suggestion
Take a look at these verses in God’s Word and see what He says about new things: Jeremiah 31:31; Ezekiel 11:19; John 13:34; 2 Corinthians 5:17. Meditate on them and then write down what they mean to you and how you might apply them to your own life.