
Make Love a Priority


A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. - John 13:34 (NIV)

Where does love fit into your list of priorities? In John 13:34, Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another....” Jesus was emphasizing the importance of love. He’s making it clear that loving people and demonstrating His love to others should be a priority. Love is a decision we make to treat people the way Jesus would treat them.

Love should be high on our list of priorities. We should study love, pray about love, and develop the fruit of love by practicing loving others. As you fill your mind with biblical principles about love and as you put those lessons into practice, you’ll learn to live a life of love. Love not only blesses others, but it also encourages the one sharing the love. I encourage you to do yourself a favor and show love to someone today.

Give Love & Never Run Out

Discover the importance of loving others and how it can change your life. READ MORE


“Putting God first is a choice. You have to do it deliberately. But it’s a choice that brings greater blessings than you could ever imagine—peace in your heart, joy, fulfillment in life, provision for every need, and every other good thing.”
— Joyce Meyer, Power Thoughts

Study Suggestion

Take a look at your priorities and find out where love is on your list. Ask God how you can make loving others a bigger priority in your life. Then take a step to do whatever you feel He’s leading you to do to show love to someone in your life.