
Developing an Unshakeable Trust


But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him - Jeremiah 17:7 (NIV)

Did you know God wants us to lean on Him at all times and in all things? The truth is, God cares about every detail of our lives and nothing is too small for Him to be involved in.

And when we trust Him with everything, it enables us to live free from worry, anxiety, fear, reasoning, and debilitating stress. However, putting our trust in God and casting our cares on Him requires a decision on our part.

Whenever you feel like you’re carrying a heavy load, choose to trust God to give you what you need to overcome in that situation. As you do, you will discover that all things are possible with Him!

How the Habit of Trust Transforms Your Life

See how Joyce developed the habit of trusting God, and what a difference it made in her life. READ MORE


“ As I look back over my life, I can definitely say that God is faithful. He is always there for us, even when we don’t see Him or feel Him…. Don’t give up when the wait seems long; continue trusting God.”
— Joyce Meyer

Study Suggestion

Are you struggling to trust God with a certain area of your life? Study some scriptures that will encourage you and boost your faith. Then challenge yourself to believe and trust Him more frequently. Here are few scriptures to get you started.

1 Peter 5:7
Philippians 4:6
Luke 12:22-24
Psalms 55:22