
God Is Your Healer


Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases - Psalm 103:2-3 (NIV)

Did you know that God cares about every single part of your life? He isn’t only concerned about your spiritual health, but He wants you to be healthy in every area of your life. He wants to bring healing to your mind; He wants to help you overcome emotional pain; He wants you to feel good physically and have plenty of energy...not be worn-out from sickness.

The Lord is our Healer, and the Word of God is our medicine. Proverbs 4:20, 22 says, My son, attend to my words…for they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh. There is healing power in God’s Word, and the more you read and study it, the more you will get to know God as your healer.

God Is Our Healer

Joyce shares encouragement about God’s healing power in our life.


“Healing takes time. So don’t get impatient and discouraged if you don’t “feel” everything right at once. God is in control, and He is doing a wonderful work in you and your life.”
— Joyce Meyer

Study Suggestion

Look up scriptures about God’s goodness and His desire to heal you. Write them down and begin to speak out what His Word says about you.