31 days in proverbs


The Knowledge of God Is Eternal Life


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. - Proverbs 9:10 (NIV)

In Proverbs 9:10, the type of knowledge Solomon writes about goes beyond mere intellectual knowledge; it’s not just knowing about God but knowing Him. Knowing that God exists barely scratches the surface of what God wants us to know about Him. He wants us to know His character, and that can only be learned through what the Bible refers to as “costly experience” (Proverbs 5:1 AMPC).

How can we ever truly know that God is faithful and trustworthy unless we step out in faith and trust Him with situations in our lives? How can we know His mercy if we never ask for and receive it? To truly know anything or anyone, we must have experience with them. Many people might say that they know you, but they don’t know you as your family knows you because your family has experience no one else has had with you.

The knowledge of God is eternal life (John 17:3). Eternal life begins the day we receive Christ as our Savior and Lord, not when we die. The eternal (forever) life God wants us to live is one of righteousness, peace, joy, and abundance in every area. When we speak of abundance or prosperity, we are not speaking merely of money or material goods. More importantly, we are speaking of spiritual prosperity, which is knowing God and experiencing His presence in our daily lives. It is knowing His Word and obeying it.

It is important to understand that God’s blessing does not come because we know what He said or did, but it comes when we follow the example He set for us and do as He did. This is one way we obtain “knowledge of the Holy One” (v. 10).

Go Deeper in God's Word

As you read Proverbs Chapter 9, notice the characteristics of wisdom as well as those who are wise. Dig deeper into the verses about the knowledge of the Holy One, and the dangers of folly, or being foolish. As you learn more about God’s Word, you’ll come to know Him more.

Walk in Wisdom

What kind of experience have you had with God in your life so far? How well do you know Him...and how much closer would you like to be to Him? Ask God to help you see Him more clearly and give you the wisdom to take steps of faith that bring you as close to Him as you can possibly be.