31 days in proverbs


Opinions Are Usually Birthed from Judgment


Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. - Proverbs 18:2 (NIV)

Many offenses and much strife come from voicing unsolicited opinions. Why do we find such delight in sharing our opinions? I think it is a matter of pride; we want others to think we have knowledge. Sometimes we want them to think we know more than we do. But if we are honest, we will admit that often we give opinions about things we don’t really know much about. We want people to do what we think we would do if we were in their situation. But how can we possibly know what we would do in a situation in which we have never found ourselves?

Opinions are usually birthed from judgment. Romans 14:4 (NIV) says, Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? Each of us is a servant of God, and He alone has the right to judge us.

First Thessalonians 4:11 (NIV) says, Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands.... Just think about how much better the world would be if people would stop offering opinions about things that are none of their business. I will admit that at one time I was a very nosy person. I wanted to know what was going on in everyone’s life, and I had an abundance of opinions about their choices. Thankfully, God has patiently taught me how foolish it is to behave that way. Although I have not arrived at the place of perfection in this area, I have come a long way. I often have to say to myself, “Joyce, that is none of your business!”

Go Deeper in God's Word

Study Proverbs 18 and note what it teaches about using wisdom with what you say and having humility.

Walk in Wisdom

Are you often tempted to get involved in situations that are none of your business? If so, do you resist those temptations? Ask God to help you be mindful of thinking before you speak and intentionally choosing words that bring wisdom and encouragement to people’s lives. Then choose several verses in Proverbs 18 that speak to weaknesses you tend to experience and write them on note cards or something you can post in places where you’ll see them often.