31 days in proverbs


Wisdom Is One of the Greatest Assets We Can Possess


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. - Proverbs 1:7 (NIV)

In Proverbs 1:7, we see that “fools despise wisdom and instruction.” The Hebrew words translated fool in Proverbs denote a person who is morally deficient.

Wisdom is one of the greatest assets we can possess, and in order to have it, we must seek it diligently. I like to define wisdom as “doing now what we will be happy with later in life,” and it’s the antidote for foolish behavior.

If I were to write my own definition of a fool, it would be this: A fool is morally deficient, hasty in making decisions, and too quick to speak without thinking. He is probably not prudent with finances and makes poor decisions in all areas of life. He thinks more highly of himself than he should. He is probably lazy and does not exercise self-control. He has an attitude of entitlement, thinking he should be given what he has not worked for or earned. I am sure he lacks appreciation and is ungrateful. He most likely murmurs and complains regularly. He gossips, falls in with bad company, and has no reverential fear and awe of God.

Foolish people are sinful people, and verse 10 warns us “do not give in to them” when they entice us to join them. Verses 11-14 describe the ways they will try to lure us into being like them. Verse 15 says, “Do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths.” As you keep reading, you discover the consequences of their choices.

My question for you is: How good are you at saying no to things that look exciting and enjoyable when you know that God does not approve of them? Do you recognize the sinful enticements that come your way, trying to draw you off God’s path for your life?

Go Deeper in God's Word

Read Proverbs Chapter 1 and note the differences between a wise lifestyle and a foolish one. Then pray for God to help you examine your life and determine ways you can choose wisdom and overcome foolish behaviors that have been keeping you from every good thing God has planned for you.

Walk in Wisdom

Note specific steps you’ll take to walk in wisdom moving forward. Remember that God’s wisdom is practical and spiritual, giving us direction for every area of our lives. So your goals could focus on making adjustments in relationships that influence your choices, the way you spend your time or your money, or how you’re expecting God to work in your life.