31 days in proverbs


Pride Is an Ugly Attitude


When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. - Proverbs 11:2 (NIV)

Proverbs 11 mentions both pride and humility, which is the cure for pride. We learn in Proverbs 16:18 that pride goes before destruction, and Proverbs 13:10 teaches us that strife cannot exist without pride. If pride were eliminated from our lives, people would not fight and argue, and we would enjoy an abundance of peace.

People tend to crave being right, and out of their pride they stir up strife trying to prove they are right. One man I know admitted that he had a problem with pride; every time he found himself in a disagreement, he would argue and cause strife. He eventually said, “Being right is highly overrated!” He realized the strife it caused was not worth the momentary pleasure of thinking, I’m right!

Pride is an ugly attitude, and it is behind most of our ugly reactions to people and situations. Our ego wants us to get our way and wants to always be right, but relationships don’t work well under those circumstances. God tells us to humble ourselves under His mighty hand and that in due time, He will exalt us (1 Peter 5:6).

We should realize that any good we do is a manifestation of God’s grace and goodness in our lives. He gives people gifts and abilities, and although we don’t all have the same gifts, we all have gifts that are valuable and should be respected equally.

Go Deeper in God's Word

Along with a warning to not be prideful, Proverbs 11 teaches us about God’s promises for the righteous (those who do what is right by living according to God’s Word; see vv. 4-31). Study the chapter, noting the good things you can expect from Him as you follow His wisdom.

Walk in Wisdom

What promises did you discover that encouraged you or stirred up your faith for God to work in a deeper way in your life? Has pride kept you from experiencing some of the good things He wants to do for you, in you, or through you? Pray for insight about the ways you respond to people or situations with pride and understanding about how it hinders your relationship with God.