31 days in proverbs


Being a Hard Worker Is a Godly Trait


A sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven people who answer discreetly. - Proverbs 26:16 (NIV)

People who are lazy see a problem but do nothing about it (vv. 13-15). According to verse 16, lazy people believe themselves to be wiser than seven people who answer discreetly. Lazy people are quick to blame others for whatever they lack, and they make excuses for everything they do wrong. They live according to their feelings, not the Word of God. People who are lazy will end up with nothing while being jealous of others. They will be filled with self-pity, thinking that life is not fair to them, while ignoring their own responsibilities.

Being a hard worker is a godly trait. Of course, we need to rest, and God establishes that in His Word (Matthew 11:28-29; Hebrews 4:9), but hard work is good for the soul. We are created for accomplishment and to use the gifts God has given us to help build His kingdom.

A person does not need to have pulpit ministry to be “in ministry.” We are all in ministry if we choose to serve and glorify God in whatever we do. It is not important that we do what the world would call great, but that we do what God asks us to do, no matter how great or small it may be.

Sometimes being faithful to something small is more difficult than being faithful to something large. Let me encourage you: Bloom where you are planted, and know that even if you are hidden from people, God sees you and is preparing your reward.

Go Deeper in God's Word

Proverbs 26 covers three subjects: the fool, the lazy person, and the proper and improper use of words. As you read this chapter, examine closely the wisdom you find about these topics and pray for God to help you see how they apply to your life.

Walk in Wisdom

Laziness is a common problem and a behavior that’s easy to fall into. How would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being extremely lazy and 10 being not lazy at all. Based on your evaluation, how can you take steps to resist laziness in practical ways? For example, if you routinely hit the snooze button multiple times rather than getting up on time, pray for God to help you get out of bed the first time your alarm goes off.