31 days in proverbs


Put On the Armor That God Has Given Us


A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. - Proverbs 14:30 (NIV)

Proverbs 14:30 is basically says that living in peace keeps us healthy, but emotions that destroy our peace can cause sickness. Negative emotions place stress on us, and too much stress over a long period of time causes many illnesses.

I grew up in a house filled with turmoil and can honestly say that I didn’t even know what peace felt like. After Dave and I married and I observed his life over a period of time, I began to realize that the peace he had was worth whatever I had to do to get it. And I needed to make a lot of changes over a period of several years before I could say I lived in peace most of the time.

Peace is something we must pursue, seek, and search for (1 Peter 3:11 NIV, AMP). The enemy sets us up to get us upset because he knows that when we are upset, we make mistakes. We say things we should not say and do things we should not do. He also knows that a lack of peace erodes our health. Jesus says that He has left us His peace, not peace “as the world gives,” but His own special peace; because of that, we should stop allowing ourselves to be “agitated and disturbed” (John 14:27 AMPC).

Ephesians 6 teaches us to put on the armor that God has given us in order to defeat the wicked powers at work in the world. Part of that armor includes the shoes of peace. Ephesians 6:15 tells us to have our feet “fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” Staying peaceful is one of the best ways to defeat the enemy. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and He will help you enjoy peace at all times if you will listen to Him and let Him guide you in all situations.

Go Deeper in God's Word

Read Proverbs 14 and note the points it makes about having a reverential fear of God, how to manage anger, and living in peace.

Walk in Wisdom

Pray and ask God to help you grow in your love and respect for Him, as well as your ability to control your anger and remain peaceful in all circumstances. As He shows you what you can do to make progress in these areas, establish practical goals with steps to achieve them.