31 days in proverbs


God Promises Success to the Upright


He holds success in store for the upright.... - Proverbs 2:7 (NIV)

The Oxford dictionary defines success as the attainment of popularity or profit, but God defines success differently. Although successful people will have their needs met and often have enough left over to bless others, not all people who are successful will be millionaires or CEOs. To be successful in God’s eyes, we need pure hearts, an intense love for Him and for people, a desire to serve, and an eagerness to learn and grow spiritually.

Proverbs 2:7 teaches us that God “holds success in store for the upright.” Let’s be clear about what being successful means. It is not primarily about having a lot of money or a high position at work or in the community. Success is first having a close, intimate relationship with God through Christ. Then it entails an abundance of peace and joy, regardless of our circumstances.

God promises success to the upright, but being upright does not mean we are perfect. It does mean we want to be perfect because of our love for Jesus, and that we are willing to press toward that goal as long as we live.

Go Deeper in God's Word

Read Proverbs Chapter 2 and look for other benefits of wisdom, such as how it gives you greater understanding and knowledge, leads you into God’s protection, keeps you from falling into immorality, and so on.

Walk in Wisdom

What specific points spoke to your heart the most? Why did they get your attention, and how will you respond to the wisdom you’ve discovered? Pray and ask the Lord to help you plan practical ways to take action on what you’ve learned.