Bright sunlit room with a cozy couch full of pillows
Quiet Times with God

Look Up

Putting Our Focus on the One Who Will Always Help Us


I will lift up my eyes to the hills—from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. - Psalm 121:1–2 (NKJV)

A lot of people look to the wrong things when they find themselves in difficult situations. They focus on the size of their problem, the risks that they’re facing, the negative things others are saying about them, or their fear of failure. Those things drag them down, and looking to them will not help them.

The Word of God gives us a much better option when we’re in need of help. Instead of looking down at the things that can’t help us, the Bible tells us to look up—to put our focus on the One who will always help us. When David was in trouble, he would turn and cast his eyes upward, because he knew his help came from on high.

When you’re going through something and you’re not sure what to do, use your spiritual eyes and just look up. Look for the Lord. He is the One who can help you. He is the One who will rescue you.

Today’s Thought:

Jesus said to look up, for our redemption draws near (Luke 21:28). This is talking about more than a physical posture. This is having a hopeful attitude, a positive outlook, and an expectation that God will bring you through.

To read: 1 Chronicles 16:11; Psalm 34:10

Prayer Starter

God, please remind me to look up when I’m getting discouraged. Thank You for always being there to help, and for giving me the grace I need today to keep going. In Jesus’ name, amen.