Bright sunlit room with a cozy couch full of pillows
Quiet Times with God

Are You Willing to Change?

It Starts with the Heart.


Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh - Ezekiel 36:26 (AMP)

One of the easiest things for people to do is find fault with each other, but it is also one of the saddest. We all have flaws, and yet it seems that in our pursuit to change other people, we become blind to the things in ourselves that need to change.

Only God can truly and effectively change anyone, because change is something that must be done from the inside out. Our hearts must change in order for our behavior to truly change, and only God can give us a new heart.

When we receive Jesus as our Savior, God puts His heart and Spirit in us. He takes the hard, stony heart out of us and makes us sensitive to His will and touch. If someone you know is frustrating you, ask God to enable you to see them the way that He does, and it will help you to be patient with them. Instead of criticizing others, let God change you, and be a good example to those around you who also need to change.

Today’s Thought:

Be as patient with other people as you want them to be with you.

To read: John 3:3; Matthew 18:3

Prayer Starter

God, please help me become a person who looks for the good in others instead of only seeing things to criticize. Thank You for changing in me what needs to change, and for giving me the ability to see them with Your eyes of love. In Jesus’ name, amen.