Healing The soul of a women

Trust the Process

The Results Will Be Exciting


But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.Isaiah 64:8 (ESV)

You are God’s amazing creation, and throughout your life on Earth, He wants to continually work in you and through you. As you yield to Him and let Him do what He wants to do—what is best for you—the results will be exciting and exceed your expectations!

There are times when we need to focus on this promise, because, as you know by now, being transformed is a diligent commitment that is challenging. But as you’ve learned, the painful parts of the process usually bring the greatest rewards.

Joyce likens soul restoration to refurbishing old furniture:

“When a person restores a used-up, beat-up piece of furniture, the first thing they do is strip off the old layers of paint or varnish. We all have things that need to be stripped away in our lives. Maybe it’s old attitudes and mindsets that don’t line up with the way God thinks and acts…or unhealthy relationships that are holding you back from God’s purpose and plans for you. Whatever it is, you can pray, ‘Lord, strip me of everything that’s not good for me, and everything that’s hindering my walk with You. Do what You need to do to get it out of my life.’

“Sanding is another step in the process. Is there anyone in your life whose personality just grates on you? They’re like sandpaper, and God uses them to get the rough edges off of us so the good things He has put in us can be developed and demonstrated in the way we live. After the sanding, there is sealing. For us, that means we’re sealed with the Holy Spirit, ...marked, branded as God’s own, secured...(Ephesians 4:30 AMPC).

"After all this, the furniture must be dusted and polished from time to time. I feel like God is always polishing my life in some area. Our walk with Christ is a lifelong journey that brings us closer to Him and makes us more like Him. That’s why we should be thankful when the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, or the mistakes we make; it’s how He’s polishing us to help us stay in God’s will for our lives.

"Wherever you are in the restoration process, I want to encourage you to set your mind today that God is healing you, and stay focused on following the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Trust God to lead you in the way that’s right for you, bringing you to wholeness in Christ in every area of your life!”

Where are you in this process?

  • Are you being stripped of old attitudes and mindsets that keep you stuck in your pain? Have you discovered relationships or responsibilities God is not leading you to continue? Is there anything you’re holding on to that you know is not good for you or pleasing to God?
  • Have you been “sanded” lately? Is there anyone you have a hard time with or who just irritates you, yet you know they are not really the problem? How can you pray for them and yourself so God can do something good through your struggle?
  • Have you acknowledged that you are sealed by the Holy Spirit, as a born-again daughter of God? What does it mean to you to know you have been marked, branded as God’s own, secured?
  • What good changes have you begun to see in yourself? What breakthroughs have happened so far in your journey?

Journal your answers to these questions and pray for God to help you yield to Him completely and wholeheartedly. You won’t regret it. In fact, you’ll see that it’s the best decision you’ve made in your walk with Him!

From Joyce

For every vision we have, we must go through a process to get there. I encourage you to be determined—no matter what happens—to stick to that process. — Joyce Meyer