Healing The soul of a women

Tips Guaranteed to Bring Radical Transformation

Trust God and Believe Him Above Anything Else


Then He said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear. By your own standard of measurement [that is, to the extent that you study spiritual truth and apply godly wisdom] it will be measured to you [and you will be given even greater ability to respond]—and more will be given to you besides.Mark 4:24 (AMP)

Making the divine exchange has everything to do with what you believe. As Joyce says above, the more we are “Word minded,” the more we’ll trust God and believe Him above anything else. Mark 4:24 (AMP) confirms this principle.

It’s simple really: What you choose to think about determines what you believe, how you feel and how you behave. So if you want to thrive in your life in Christ and experience His promises, then you must start with renewing your mind.

Let’s start by going back to the basics…

  1. Let’s break this down:
  2. If you don’t believe God loves you, this verse completely overrides that lie. It says God gave His only Son because He loves the world. Are you a person in the world? Of course you are. So this includes you!
  3. If you believe you’ve done too many wrong things for God to forgive you, or that the things you done are unforgivable, this verse is awesome news for you. John 3:16 (ESV) says WHOEVER believes in Jesus will have eternal life. Are you a “whoever”? Of course you are!

2 Corinthians 5:17 (AMPC) says, Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!

  • If you’re doubting you can really change and be more like Christ—in your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors—then this verse should fill you with hope and expectation of newness of life. Because as a believer in Christ, you are new! As the Amplified Bible says, you are “a new creature altogether”!
  • Do you feel that the pain from the past will always have a hold on you or that you can never completely get free of it? The truth is, the old you has passed away and the new you—your born-again spirit—has come! So, because of who Jesus is, your potential to be like Him has no limit!

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.Ephesians 2:8-9 (NLT)

  • Are you striving to earn God’s love and forgiveness of your sin, thinking it’s just too good to be true that He offers it all to you as a gift? Or maybe you believe there has to be more to it than that, because in this world, nothing is really free. God is NOT of this world, and neither are you, as a follower of Christ. And His love and forgiveness cannot be earned or deserved, no matter how long or how hard we try to buy it from Him. So give up striving to do what’s right in your own strength and effort, humble yourself before God and thank Him over and over for loving you, wanting you, and taking you into His heart as His beloved daughter!

Take some time to read these verses in other Bible translations and meditate on what they reveal to you about the truth of God’s heart for you and what He wants to do in your life. Pray for Him to help you identify any thoughts contrary to these truths and specifically denounce them, replacing them with scripture.

Remember Jesus’ promise to you: By your own standard of measurement [that is, to the extent that you study spiritual truth and apply godly wisdom] it will be measured to you [and you will be given even greater ability to respond]—and more will be given to you besides.


From Joyce

As we renew our minds according to the Word, we will trust God more completely and believe what He says more than what others say to us, more than our feelings, and more than our circumstances. That’s when we live in His beauty…filled with His love, free from the prison of the past, and healed in our soul. — Joyce Meyer