Making a Global Impact with Integrity and Excellence

Dave Meyer Shares His Heartfelt Gratitude For Partnership

Dave Meyer – Jul 03, 2024
Image of Joyce Meyer and Dave Meyer

I love having this opportunity to share my heart with you! I want to let you know how much you mean to Joyce and me…and just how much your partnership means to the hurting people we are reaching around the world.

We have seen it time and again. When you and I are faithful to do what God asks us to do—to pray and give what we have to give—He takes it, multiplies it, and does the miraculous.

Whether it’s rescuing girls from human trafficking, providing fresh water for remote communities, or sharing the Gospel with millions through our Enjoying Everyday Life programs, you are an irreplaceable part of it all!

Your trust in us greatly encourages us and means more than you know.

When you give, we take it very seriously. It is a privilege, and we are accountable to God for how we use your money. We want you to be confident that what you give is always being managed and used in the best possible ways.

When we first started Joyce Meyer Ministries, God spoke to our hearts and said, “I’m going to tell you three things to do, and if you do them, I will bless your ministry. First, always do everything with excellence. Second, always be people of integrity. Keep your word and don’t ever compromise with the money that goes through your hands in ministry. And third, keep strife out of your personal lives and the ministry I am giving you.”

Joyce and I took God’s directions to heart. We know that we can do a lot of things—we can build buildings and reach out to people in various ways. But if we don’t have integrity, then none of it would last.

Accountability and integrity are some of the very foundations of Joyce Meyer Ministries, and they always will be. We are accountable to God and to you. We always want to be open and transparent, and that’s why we have worked with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) for nearly 15 years.

Excellence is also so important, and it’s a vital part of ministry. Excellence means doing the very best with what you have. When you give to this ministry, we work hard to make sure your donations are being used wisely and reaching people in need. For example, Joyce Meyer Ministries has always been debt-free, and that’s one big reason why your donations reach even more people with the Gospel every single day.

What you give is tremendously important, and I want you to know that God honors your faithfulness.

We are in awe as we watch your prayers and donations reach the lost and hurting in so many ways. You have been faithful stewards of what God has given you. And as faithful stewards, when we give what God asks us to give, He blesses our lives abundantly.

You, our partners—our family—honor God through your commitment. And the Bible says that when you honor God, He will honor you (1 Samuel 2:30).

It is the privilege of a lifetime to work alongside you and reach others for Jesus Christ. Please know that Joyce and I think of you often and pray for you always. We consider you family. And thanks to you, this family just keeps getting bigger.

God bless you!

Dave Meyer

PS: Our 2023 Annual Report is now available, and I think you’ll be amazed at how God has used you to help people worldwide! To check out some great stories from this past year along with our complete financial statements, simply visit:

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