Emotional Stability

Joyce Meyer – Nov 05, 2024
Pink rose on an open Bible ready for reading a daily devotional.

Adapted from Strength for Each Day

Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.

Emotions, high or low, can get us into trouble if we allow them to control us. Instead of making decisions based on emotions, we should make our decisions according to God’s Word and His Holy Spirit. God desires for us to live carefully and to be stable, dependable, and reliable. He wants us not to be easily shaken, but to be in control of our emotions. We all have emotions, and while it is true that sometimes we can’t help how we feel, we can have feelings without allowing them to have us. We can manage and live beyond our emotions. We can feel them and still make decisions to do God’s will even when our emotions don’t agree with those choices.

I am often asked how I feel about the traveling I need to do in my ministry. I respond by telling people that long ago I stopped asking myself how I feel about it; I just do it. I am sure Jesus did not feel like going to the cross, suffering, and dying for us, but He did it in obedience to His Father’s will.

God’s Word teaches us to build our house on the rock (Matthew 7:24–25), which means living by His Word, not according to our thoughts, emotions, or desires. The person who does this will remain strong through the storms of life. If we rely on our emotions, we make ourselves vulnerable to deception, because our feelings change constantly. Live by God’s Word and His wisdom, not by emotions, and you will have a great and enjoyable life.

Prayer of the Day: Father, I want to be stable in all seasons of life and not allow my emotions to control my behavior. Please help me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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