Keep Your Commitments

Joyce Meyer – Nov 04, 2024
Someone holding a Bible while reading a daily devotional.

Adapted from My Time with God

For which of you, wishing to build a farm building, does not first sit down and calculate the cost [to see] whether he has sufficient means to finish it?

Do you ever say yes to things and then wish later with all of your heart that you had said no? Most of us do that until we learn to think through all we are already doing and what it will really require of us to take on another commitment.

None of us want to disappointment people who make requests of us, and that can be a good thing, but if it is carried too far, we end up frustrated, stressed, and unhappy ourselves.

I am doing an event in the near future that I said yes to but probably should have said no, because now I am not looking forward to it and I feel it is crowding my schedule. But it is my own fault. I will keep my word because that is very important, and I will have a good attitude, and hopefully, I will learn afresh the importance of saying no when I need to.

I encourage you to take the time to think through whether or not you have what it takes to finish something and maintain your peace before you begin it. Always keep your word, even if you have to suffer in order to do so.

Prayer of the Day: Father, help me discern when to say yes and when to say no. I want to finish what I start and keep my peace at all times.

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