You Don’t Have to Feel Overwhelmed @tag1>

Adapted from Managing Your Emotions
Moses’ father-in-law replied, “What you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone.”
Moses was a very busy man, to the point of being overwhelmed and stressed. As the leader of the children of Israel, he had many responsibilities and a lot to think about. The people looked to him to settle their disputes, solve their problems, give them advice, and provide help in many other ways. Finally, his father-in-law, Jethro, told him the work was too much for him to handle alone and helped him learn to delegate some of his responsibilities.
As you read about Moses and his father-in-law, maybe you’re thinking, I can relate! Maybe you, too, feel overwhelmed. Perhaps the responsibilities you carry have become too heavy and you don’t feel you can continue to handle them by yourself.
Being too stressed and overwhelmed is something we all face and need to manage at times. We can approach this several different ways. We can take care of ourselves physically, making sure to eat right, exercise, and sleep enough. We can seek support from the people around us. We can learn to set healthy boundaries and say no to certain things. And best of all, we can ask God to help us.
He may lead us to delegate certain tasks, give us insight into ways we can be more efficient, or give us creative ways to manage our stress. According to John 14:26, the Holy Spirit is our Helper, and we can call on Him at any time in any situation. We can be sure that when we ask, He will help us.
Prayer of the Day: Lord, help me know what to do when I feel overwhelmed, and send me the help I need.