Don’t Just Wait; Wait Patiently

Joyce Meyer – Nov 06, 2024
An open Bible and journal on a sheet ready for reading a daily devotional.

Adapted from Daily Devotions from Psalms

I wait [patiently] for the Lord, my soul [expectantly] waits, and in His word do I hope.

Many times in life, we find ourselves having to wait. We can just wait and let time pass, or we can wait well and make the most of our time. If we want to wait well, we will wait patiently, expectantly, and in hope, as today’s scripture indicates.

Patience is extremely important for people who want to glorify God and enjoy their lives (James 1:4). If people are impatient, the situations they encounter will cause them to react emotionally, which probably won’t be good. When pressured by circumstances, we need to follow the psalmist’s example in Psalm 130:5 and wait patiently and expectantly for the Lord.

The next time you have to wait on something or someone, rather than becoming impatient, try talking to yourself a little. Tell yourself, “Getting upset will not make this go any faster, so I might as well find a way to enjoy the wait.” Then perhaps say, “I am developing patience as I wait, so I am thankful for this situation.” When you speak in such ways, you are acting on the Word of God rather than reacting with impatience to an unpleasant circumstance.

Prayer of the Day: Father, when I have to wait on something, help me not to react emotionally or become impatient, but to wait well—patiently, expectantly, and in hope.

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