How to Study The Bible
How to Study The Bible

The Miracle of Meditation

God Has Given You the Holy Spirit to Help You


This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. - Joshua 1:8 (AMPC)

Throughout Scripture, God encourages us to meditate on His Word. The Word “meditate” has come to mean a lot of different things in the world today. However, meditating on God’s Word is really very simple. To meditate means to dwell on a thought or roll it over and over in your mind.

For example, maybe I’m reading from the Book of Isaiah when I come across Chapter 41 Verse 10, where the Lord says, Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you.... Now, because of some things going on in my life, I realize this is just what I need to hear: I don’t have to be afraid because God is with me!

If I decide to meditate on this scripture, it means I choose to continue thinking about it. Maybe I write it on a sticky note and place it on my bedroom mirror or refrigerator. Or perhaps I think about it while I’m driving to work: Right now, God is with me. I don’t have to be afraid because He is with me. God Himself will be with me every moment of this day.

Meditating on God’s Word like this is so incredibly powerful, and it reaps tremendous dividends in our lives. Look with me at Mark 4:24—it’s one of my favorite verses. It says, ...The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you... (AMPC).

In other words, the more you study and meditate on God’s Word, the more you’ll get out of it and truly understand what it means.

My husband, Dave, has always been a great influence on me when it comes to meditating on the Word. For example, there was a time several years back when Dave studied and meditated on Psalm 91 for about a month. He just felt like the Lord really wanted Him to get something special out of it. By the end of that month, Dave had such a greater understanding of Psalm 91 and God’s love and protection. The Lord gave Dave a revelation that would forever change the way he saw things!

The bottom line is that it’s really up to us—we decide how deep we want to go with God. Jeremiah 29:13 contains an amazing promise to encourage us in our study and meditation of His Word. The Lord simply says to us, Then you will...find Me when you search for Me with all your heart (AMPC).

Meditating on God’s Word is something you can do any time of the day—driving in traffic, sitting at your desk, or even while you take a walk. And the more you think about God’s Word, the more you will experience the good results in every area of your life.


Father, I want to have a greater understanding of who You are. So, I ask You to help me meditate on Your Word and get it deep down inside of me. Let it become a habit in my life. As I do, I know I will get to know You in a more intimate way than ever before. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Study Lab

Are you hungry for God’s Word and long to hear His voice? Today’s Study Lab will help you hear from God through the practice of meditation.

Find a scripture that encourages you or challenges you or seems to stand out in some way. Read it slowly a number of times, and spend some time meditating on its meaning. Write it down in your study notes. Then write it down on several sticky notes or small pieces of paper and post that scripture in a variety of places where you will see it each day.

Each time you see the scripture, say it out loud and meditate on it a few more minutes in your mind. In time, you may even have it memorized!

Remember that God has given you the Holy Spirit to help you understand His Word. Ask God to show you what He is saying through this scripture and what it can do for you personally. The more time and thought you give to God’s Word, the greater the benefit you will receive from it.