How to Study The Bible
How to Study The Bible

The Power of Prayer and Journaling

God's Word Really Works


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

For years, I have often kept a journal during my time with the Lord. During these special times of study and prayer, I write down Scripture verses that encourage me, some of the prayer requests I’m praying that day, things I feel like the Lord is putting on my heart, and special things that God does for me.

I have years and years’ worth of these journals that I’ve saved, and from time to time, I like to read through them. When I thumb through my past journals, it’s clear to see how God has been working in my life—and that builds my spirit and fills me with joy.

If you don’t currently keep a journal, I hope you will consider starting one. There's just something about writing that helps us work through difficult issues. Maybe it’s because your journal is one of the few places where you don't have to censor yourself or worry about a reaction to your words. It is also a chronicle of your journey that will serve you well.

Journaling helps you take a more objective view of your life and of the progress you've made! Let me tell you from experience, being able to see your progress in black and white will help you realize that you are indeed moving ahead.

There are so many things you can journal about! For example, you can:

  • Write about the goodness of God in your life! Remember things He’s already done to bless you.
  • Write about some of the bad situations He has protected you from. Perhaps you missed a bad accident because you locked your keys in the car and ran late for work. Things like this are not necessarily coincidences, and we are able to see the hand of God at work in them if we simply pay attention.
  • Keep a record of your prayer needs and then the answers and breakthroughs, or a gratitude journal to help you remember the people and things you are thankful for.

When you focus on how awesome God is—and all the great things He has done, is doing, and even will do in your life—your natural response will be to be amazed! Don’t allow yourself to ever take for granted the love and mercy of God in your life—they are great blessings, and they are enough to keep us amazed for as long as we live.


Father, as I read and study Your Word, help me to live amazed by who You are and the great things You are constantly doing in my life. Help me record my hopes, dreams, prayers and promises from You so I can look back and experience Your faithfulness over and over again. In Jesus’ name, amen.

God’s Word Really Works

Anytime you feel discouraged, God wants to encourage you! Joyce shares how to pull back the curtain on what He is doing so you can spend your days living amazed.
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Study Lab

This week, begin writing your own personal journal! During your study time, take a few minutes to:

  • Record something good that God is doing in your life
  • Pour out your heart to Him about your joys, concerns, hopes or dreams
  • Write out a prayer for a specific need
  • Note scriptures that stand out to you during your time in His Word

Remember, there are no rules! This is a place to share everything and anything with God and document how He is working in your life.