How to Study The Bible
How to Study The Bible

Make Adjustments as Needed

Make an Appointment with God Each Day


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens... - Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)

I am so glad that you have decided to take part in this study! Sharing God’s Word with others—and helping them to incorporate His Word into their daily lives—is a passion of mine because I am a living example of what it can do. God’s Word works!

Over the course of these 14 days, I have shared a lot of study tips and lessons to help you make the most of your time in God’s Word. If I can reiterate one thing, it’s that each one of us is different, and we are all in different seasons and stages of life. Some people are in school; others are parents with a full-time job and young kids; and some may be retired and have more time than they once did.

Whatever stage of life you are in, God will help you develop a study plan that is perfect for you. The time you spend in God’s Word may be completely different than your neighbor or friend at church, and that’s okay. It’s not a race, and we don’t have to compare ourselves with anyone else. The important thing is developing our personal relationship with God and taking steps to grow closer to Him through knowing His Word.

As we conclude this study, I pray that God will give you a hunger and passion for His Word, and that it will become something you simply can’t live without. Because when you put God’s Word first in your life, Jesus says …you shall know the truth, and the truth make set you free (John 8:32-33 NKJV).

We’ve covered a lot! So, I want to leave you with a short list of study tips to help you as you move forward.

Quick-Reference Study Tips

Purposely set aside time. Make an appointment with God each day. If mornings don’t work for you, then find a time that does. Just start somewhere!

Make preparation for your Bible study. Choose a comfortable place to study where you can be alone and away from distractions.

Have all your materials available. Along with your Bible, bring any study tools you may want to use, such as a concordance or a dictionary. Be prepared with a notepad or computer in case you want to record scriptures or other notes.

Prepare your heart. Begin with prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you as you read and study.

Slow down—Remember, more isn’t necessarily better—it’s about quality, not quantity!

If you are struggling with something in your life, study scriptures that address the issue. If something in particular strikes a chord while you are studying, take time the next day to dig deeper into that topic.

Determine to be focused. If you are easily distracted, silence your phone and wait until you are finished to respond to emails and texts. If other important things come to mind, jot down notes in your notebook, phone or computer so you can keep your focus.

Stick with it. Consistency is key!


God, thank You for Your Word! As I finish this study, I pray that You will help me to put these lessons into practice so I can make a new habit of studying Your Word on a regular basis. In every season of life, help me to always keep You first and make Your Word a priority in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Take the Challenge!

Are you ready for the next step? I really want to help you establish a daily habit of spending time with God and studying His Word. That’s why I want to invite you to take the 3030 Challenge. The goal is this: study the Word 30 minutes a day for 30 days.

We are so excited to see your journey with God continue—and we’re here to encourage you as you build the habit of studying His Word.