A Water Milestone @tag1>
Discover how Hand of Hope has provided fresh water, along with the Gospel message, to more than 40 nations. @tag2>

A Reason to Celebrate!
2,000 freshwater wells installed in over 40 nations.None of us can survive without water. Clean water is a universal need, and it’s becoming harder to find. Water scarcity effects every continent, with India having the highest number of people at risk. In short, water saves lives and reveals the healing love of Christ.
Are lives really changed?
Entire communities are impacted! Specifically, women and girls who would otherwise spend hours each day walking for water. For them, water wells translate to personal safety, and greater opportunities in industry and education.
What can I do?
You can be a part of changing entire communities! Our partners have shared Christ in more than 40 countries through water relief alone. To date, Hand of Hope has completed more than 2,000 freshwater wells, fulfilling the most basic of needs.
Look at the love being shared through water relief!
To make a special donation, visit joycemeyer.org/WaterRelief
Hand of Hope recently dug a water well at a grade school in the village of Bumilayinga. Before, a majority of the children’s day consisted of walking for miles to supply the school with water to drink and cook with. This responsibility left the students little remaining energy to study or do anything else.
It’s not an exaggeration to say this new well, installed right on the school’s property, has changed everything for these children, their teachers and all of their families! Now, their days no longer revolve around constant expeditions for water. Their time and energy can be devoted to learning, playing, dreaming, and just being kids.
This gift of fresh water has also made an impact on the thousands who live and work in the area. It has even opened the door to share the Gospel in some pretty amazing ways. In a matter of months, more than 360 people have welcomed Christ into their hearts!
Hope Academy is the first school to exist in the village of Tholkatta. The school and its on-site water well serve six more surrounding villages, where clean water and educational opportunities are very rare.
Our partnership with the village of Tholkatta began when we helped plant a community church. Now 12 years later, the congregation has grown into a family of 140 believers who are reaching out to the larger community. A new well and school were at the top of their “wish list,” and it’s been exciting to watch these projects unfold!
The brightly painted school contains a nursery, kindergarten classrooms, and a clean water well. On the day of its dedication, the heads of the six surrounding villages came to express their gratitude for being included, and to pledge their support for the school’s expansion.
Because of the generous support of our partners, many generations of children will receive early childhood education, clean water, and the support of a growing congregation of believers who are showering them with the love of Christ.
Recently, a Teen Challenge residential home in New Mexico was trucking in 4,000 gallons of water each week to meet their needs. The facility desperately needed a well, so Hand of Hope adopted the project—our first in the United States—and provided the necessary funds.
It took 15 months to survey the land and build the well, but the staff and residents were overjoyed, sharing a message of thanks to our friends and partners on Facebook:
“To all who helped this project come to a reality and especially Joyce Meyer Ministries thank you from all of us at Teen Challenge New Mexico. We love and appreciate you so much!”