Get a Little Closer @tag1>
Know What’s Truly Important @tag2>

God wants to be closer to you...but do you really want to be closer to Him? These two questions can help you learn the truth:
1. Do you spend time with God when everything’s going right in your life...or do you run to Him only when you’re in trouble?
2. Do you take time to give thanks to God for who He is and what He’s done for you...or do you rush in to a list of things you need to be happy?
You see, there are different levels of intimacy with God...and the truth is, at this moment, each one of us is as close to God as we choose to be.
Know What’s Truly Important
Let’s take a look at Luke 10:38-42. It says that after Martha welcomed Jesus into her home, she was distracted with much serving, but her sister Mary sat at Jesus’ feet, listening to His teaching. So Martha went up to Jesus and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her to help me.”
But here’s what Jesus said: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”
Have you ever found yourself thinking: I do all the work around here. Everybody else is always having a good time while I just work, work, work, work!
Well, work is definitely important. But it wasn’t the most important thing for Martha to be doing at that particular time, because Jesus was passing by. It was an opportunity she might never have again!
Likewise, we have the opportunity to spend time with God, learning His life-transforming Word!
Choose What’s Best for You
In Philippians 1:10, The Apostlel Paul prayed that the Philippian church would “learn to recognize and treasure what is excellent [identifying the best, and distinguishing moral differences]” (AMP).
We need to begin to discern the better choices in our lives...and time with God is the most valuable thing in which we can ever invest.
God loves you so much and He wants to have a personal, intimate relationship with you. If you want to have a closer walk with Him, you’ll need to make some changes...and some of them will be challenging.
To make more time with God a priority, you may have to say "no" to people, and you may have to cut off some things that really aren't bearing fruit in your life. But the reward of growing closer to God will always be greater than the difficulties you experience to get there.
Make a determined decision today to get as close to God as you can be.