Where Do We Find Strength? @tag1>

Adapted from Strength for Each Day
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
I love that God is ever-present. There is never a time when He is not with us, but we may miss out on the help He is ready to give us by forgetting about Him and trying to do things in our own strength. He wants us to lean and rely on Him. Leaning on God for absolutely everything is not an indication of weakness; it’s actually a sign of wisdom.
Jesus says that apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5). We may do things, but we will struggle and be frustrated because nothing works with ease unless we invite Jesus to be involved in it. What are you trying to do on your own that is frustrating you? Whatever it is, stop. Then tell the Lord you are sorry for leaving Him out of it and ask Him to take the lead in your situation and give you the grace to follow Him.
I have tried many things on my own, such as changing myself, changing my husband, and changing my children. I saw their flaws and wanted to correct them, but only God can change a human heart. I also tried in my own strength to make my ministry grow, but that ended in misery too. I have learned to ask God for what I need and lean on Him to bring it to pass. Anytime I forget about this, before long I find myself struggling again trying to do it myself. Let go and let God show His strength through you.
Prayer of the Day: Father, I am grateful for Your strength. I need You in everything I do, and I’m sorry for the times I have left You out and tried to do things on my own. My strength is not enough. I need Yours. In Jesus’ name, amen.