God Will Help You Fulfill His Purpose

Joyce Meyer – Nov 23, 2024
A Bible and flowers being carried together.

Adapted from Daily Devotions from Psalms

Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

God knows every word we will speak before it is even on our tongue, according to today’s scriptures. It is hard to imagine that anyone can know us so completely, but God does. The psalmist David writes that God hems us in “behind and before.” This means to me that God has us in places we cannot get away from so we can fulfill His purposes. He often wants to teach us lessons in situations we would run from unless He put us in a position where we could not escape.

Have you ever wanted to give up on something, but God wouldn’t let you? I have. Often during the building of our ministry, I wanted to quit, but my heart was so full of passion to do what God had called me to do that even though I wanted to quit, He wouldn’t let me. He had me in a place I could not get away from. It was uncomfortable at times, but in that place, He laid His hand on me and changed me.

We do not understand the ways of God. They are too wonderful and awesome for us to comprehend with our finite minds. Trying to understand God and His ways is a waste of time. It is too lofty for us, so why try? We should accept His ways without questioning them, believing they will always work out for our good.

Prayer of the Day: Father, help me to accept Your ways in my life without questioning them or struggling to understand them. I want to trust You completely.

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