Know Your Enemy
In this 10-day Bible study, Joyce teaches us about spiritual warfare, and how God's Word teaches us to set our sights and give us a battle plan for every situation.
A war is raging, and your mind is the battlefield. If you’ve ever dealt with things like worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger, or condemnation…you've experienced firsthand the attacks in your mind. But the good news is, you don’t have to let those thoughts defeat you. You can win the battle with God’s help! Over the next 25 days, we want to encourage and equip you to renew your mind through God’s Word.
We will send you an email every day for 25 days that will include tips from Joyce, videos, and Bible verses to help you on your journey.
You will see encouragement and teaching from Joyce as well as stories of others who are renewing their mind through God’s Word.
God’s Word has the power to change our lives. Each day we will include a verse to encourage you in your study.
We have put together a selection of articles that will give you some insight into what the Bible has to say about renewing your mind.
Through more than 40 years of study and experience, Joyce has become an expert on this topic. We will include some timely tips from Joyce to help you along.
We have some special PDF downloads that will encourage you and keep you going.
This online study is temporarily unavailable. We encourage you to check back soon! In the meantime, feel free to explore Joyce’s TV program, Enjoying Everyday Life.
In this 10-day Bible study, Joyce teaches us about spiritual warfare, and how God's Word teaches us to set our sights and give us a battle plan for every situation.
Enjoy the sweet moments with God in this 7-day Bible study. Join Joyce Meyer as she helps give you fresh focus on how much God loves you and He wants to help you with your life. Sign up now!
In this 12-day study, Joyce Meyer shines a light on God’s enduring promises and teaches you what to do during the trials. Sign up now!
Confidence comes from knowing your worth in Christ. In this free Bible study, Joyce Meyer teaches how to boost your confidence, so you can enjoy God's Plan. Sign up today!