Focus on God's Faithfulness

Learning to pray first!

Joyce Meyer
Focus on God's Faithfulness

Anxiety comes in many forms, and you’ve probably felt it before—whether it’s pressure at work, a struggling relationship, past trauma or uncertainties about the future. The simplest way I know to define anxiety is to say that it means spending today trying to figure out tomorrow. It’s an uneasy feeling of worry, dread or fear.

And in all honesty, anxiety has a lot to do with our mind. When stressful situations pop up and we worry, we allow our thoughts to rotate around and around the same situation, playing out the potential outcomes. While most of the terrible scenarios we imagine don’t actually come to pass, the fear can cause us to feel miserable.

However, that’s not how God desires for us to live. Jesus teaches us to take life one day at a time and not to worry about anything, because each day has all that we can handle (Matthew 6:25-34). In order not to worry and be anxious, we must learn new ways—God’s ways—to handle our problems and challenges. This also includes new ways to think. When we are when tempted to worry about the future, it’s time to remember what God has done in the past.

Remember Past Victories

Psalm 77:11 (NIV)  says, I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. When the psalmist struggled with worry and anxiety, he remembered past victories that God had given him.

Now, one very helpful way that I’ve learned to deal with my problems is to think about the troubles I have faced in the past that God resolved without my help. I’d like to share one personal victory that’s gotten me through some particularly anxious moments.

More than 30 years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. You see, I had gone to the doctor for my regular check-up, which included a mammogram. To my great surprise, I received a call from my doctor saying they had found a small tumor that looked suspicious and that I needed to have a biopsy.

I was a little worried, but not much, because I felt sure they would find the tissue benign. However, that was not the case. The doctors concluded that I had a very fast-growing type of cancer and that the best course of action at that time was to remove the breast. I was in shock!

At the time, our ministry was young and financially dependent on offerings given at a weekly meeting I held. After surgery, I would not be able to do these meetings for at least two weeks. I confess that not only was I worried about the cancer and the type of treatment I might need after the operation, but also what would happen to the ministry during my down time.

Then one day, in the very early hours of the morning, I woke up and felt the familiar feeling of fear. I cried out to God to help me, and He whispered to my heart that He would take care of me. I suddenly knew that everything would be all right. I didn’t know how God would take care of me, but I knew that He would.

He told me to stay positive and to make only faith-filled comments, such as:

I had to wait about 10 days before the surgery, and they were 10 very challenging days. Fear and worry would come, but I would purposefully call to mind that God had promised to take care of me. Then, I would declare the life-giving statements based on Scripture that God had placed on my heart, and I could literally feel my emotions calm as I spoke.

During the surgery, the doctors were able to remove all of the tumor. Afterwards, I was sent to an oncologist to see what further treatment I would need, and she said, “None. Your problem is solved!”

God Is Faithful

While we were very thankful that I no longer had cancer, I was continuing to recover at home, and we still needed money to cover the ministry expenses until I could get back to work. One evening, we were sitting in our family room watching television and the doorbell rang. When Dave answered it, a man we didn’t even know handed him a check for $10,000 and told him that God had directed him to give it to the ministry. Another victory!

I still think of this answer to prayer when I have a problem and am anxious or worried, and I know that God will be faithful again just as He was then. More than three decades have passed since this took place, and each year, my mammogram always comes back clear of any problems. I recently had my test for this year, and once again the report said everything was normal. Thanks be to God!

The next time you’re faced with a difficult scenario and are tempted to worry, try meditating on God’s promises found in Scripture. Speak them over your life and remember just how faithful He has been. Because regardless of your circumstances or the outcome, God can give you peace in the midst of it all. Psalm 33:4 (NIV) says, For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.

Instead of focusing on your problems and continually searching for answers, allow your mind to rest. Remember your past victories and fight the good fight of faith.

What should I do when I’m feeling anxious?

Prayer is one of the greatest privileges we have, and I believe it is essential to overcoming anxiety. Because God can accomplish more in a moment than you can in a lifetime.

If we don’t pray, our prayers cannot be answered. James 4:2 (NIV) says, You do not have because you do not ask God. Be sure you don’t merely assume God will help you overcome anxiety, but ask Him to help you stay calm and worry less. God is ready to act on our behalf if we will only pray.

Prayer is such an effective weapon, but some people fail to pray much, if at all, because they see prayer as a complicated exercise or something they don’t know how to do. But I want to remind you that prayer is simply talking to God about whatever is on your heart. You can pray anytime, anywhere, about anything.

Any time anxious or worried thoughts enter your mind, remember Philippians 4:6–7 (NIV), Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Learn to pray immediately when you are anxious or worried. Don’t wait because God is available to help you the moment you call upon Him.

Adapted from the book The Answer to Anxiety by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2023 by Joyce Meyer. Published by Hachette Book Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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