God is Greater Than Your Fears @tag1>
Overcoming Fear and Embracing Your God-Given Strengths @tag2>

Has fear ever prevented you from stepping out? Have you ever thought, I can’t do that—I’m just not qualified.
Fear is one of Satan’s favorite tricks to keep us from moving forward and becoming all that God created us to be. Fear shows up in our lives in many ways—through things like doubt, insecurity, worry and anxiety.
This is why we need to watch out for thoughts that begin with “I can’t” or “I’m not.” The enemy stays busy trying to tell us about our weaknesses—everything we are not and what we can’t do. But we don’t have to listen to him. If we know God’s Word, we can find out everything we are in Him.
The apostle Paul learned this lesson well. He said, For when I am weak [in human strength], then I am strong [truly able, truly powerful, truly drawing from God’s strength (2 Corinthians 12:10 AMP).
If we’re not careful, we can allow our weaknesses to prevent us from stepping out into God’s plan for our lives. However, the Lord wants us to trust Him with our weaknesses and receive His strength in those areas. He wants us to focus on how much we can do, then lean on His ability to do the rest.
What to Do When You Don’t Feel Qualified
I love Gideon’s story in the Book of Judges. He’s the perfect example of someone who felt unqualified to do something great. During his time, the Israelites were being attacked by the Midianites and desperately needed help.
One day, as Gideon was working in his father’s winepress and trying to hide from the enemy, the Lord appeared to him and said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior...Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?”
Gideon replied, “But how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” The Lord answered, “I will be with you, and you shall strike down all the Midianites… (Judges 6:12,14-16).
In Gideon’s mind, he was the last person qualified to lead Israel’s army to a victory. However, after more encouragement from God, he finally agreed. Then, as Israel’s army of 32,000 men were preparing to go into battle, the Lord had Gideon send all but 300 of them home. God wanted them to totally depend on Him.
The Lord was about to teach Gideon (and us) an amazing lesson: No matter what we have or don’t have, God can make up the difference when we place our trust in Him. That day, Gideon and his 300 soldiers overcame the entire Midianite army—a force of more than 135,000 men!
Gideon and the Israelites succeeded when they did what God told them to do. Anytime you think there is no way you can win your battles, remember Gideon! Then go forward even if you feel afraid, knowing that the real battle belongs to the Lord.
Step Out and Find Out
I think most of us can relate to Gideon in some way. For instance, more than forty years ago, when God called me to teach His Word, I immediately made excuses. I said things like, “I don’t know how to do that. I don’t have the proper education, and I haven’t been to seminary. And I’m a woman—women don’t really do these things.”
I gave God my long list of things that disqualified me, but He kept assuring me that He was able to do anything I could not do. All I needed to do was move forward one step at a time.
I was definitely afraid! I’m talking about the kind of fear that makes you shake and tremble. But somehow, I found the courage to take a step and invite a few people to a Bible study I planned to teach. To my great surprise, they all agreed to come.
I admit, I didn’t know what I was doing, but I started teaching from John chapter one. It must have gone okay because people came back the following week…and for five years after that. This was an important beginning for how God would use me to teach His Word in the future.
Even if we don’t have much, all we need is God on our side…and a little bit of courage. God has given us faith, and that is what we use to overcome fear. This means we can feel afraid and still step out and do great things.
King David said to the Lord, When I am afraid, I put my trust in You (Psalm 56:3). I love this scripture because David doesn’t bother to try and hide his fear. He admits it and obviously believes that his fear makes no difference as long as he keeps his trust in God.
I urge you not to let fear steal your destiny. You will never know what you can do unless you step out and find out. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses (and we all have them), decide to focus on everything you can do with God’s help. Choose to remember the great things God has done for you in the past and take time to celebrate your progress as you conquer your fears and walk through life’s battles.
You will fight battles in life because your enemy will not go down quietly and easily. But always remember: The Greater One (God) lives in you…and He is greater than the one who comes against you (see 1 John 4:4).