Face the Truth

Joyce Meyer – Oct 17, 2024
A small branch sitting on an open Bible ready for reading a daily devotional.

Adapted from Hearing from God Each Morning

Rather, let our lives lovingly express truth [in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly]….

You and I live in a world filled with people who are living false lives, wearing masks of pretense, and hiding things they don't want others to know. That is wrong. But the reason it happens is that people have not been taught to walk in truth. As believers, we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us; He is the Spirit of Truth, and He speaks the truth to us.

Sometimes Satan deceives us, but at other times we deceive ourselves. In other words, we fabricate lives we are comfortable with instead of facing life as it really is and dealing with issues with the help of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit speaks to me and confronts me with issues in my life frequently, and He has also taught me to be a confronter, not a coward. Cowards hide from the truth; they are afraid of it. You don't have to be afraid of the truth. Jesus told His disciples that the Holy Spirit would lead them into truth, but He also told them they were not ready to hear certain things (see John 16:12), so He did not reveal those things at that time. The Holy Spirit will always speak truth to you, but He won't speak certain truths to you until He knows you are ready to hear them.

If you are brave enough to welcome the Spirit of Truth into every area of your life and let Him speak to you about issues in your life, you are in for an unforgettable journey of freedom and power.

Prayer of the Day: Father God, help me to walk in Your truth and be guided solely by Your Spirit. Help me confront the areas in my life that need Your healing touch, amen.

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