God's Medicine Chest

A Practical Guide to Studying the Bible for Personal Growth and Healing

Joyce Meyer
4 min read
God's Medicine Chest

When you first decide to study the Bible, it can be overwhelming. If you’re like me, you’ve wondered, Where in the world do I begin?

Well, I’ve found it’s great to start with books like the gospel of John or the Psalms because they’re easy to read and full of God’s love and encouragement.

However, I think it’s helpful to answer questions like: “What do you need help with the most?” and “In what areas of your life are you having problems?”

For instance, do you struggle with being impatient? Do you need to make a decision about something? Are you having trouble with anger? Well, the thing to do is find specific scriptures dealing with the specific areas where you need help.

Years ago, God gave me some practical examples to help me understand how we should view His Word. He put it to me this way: “If you have a headache, do you go to the medicine cabinet and pull out Vaseline and rub it on your head? If you cut your hand, do you take high blood pressure medicine to stop the bleeding?”

Of course not. We would probably pray and then use the appropriate medicine for the specific ailment we have. I believe we need to do the same thing with our spiritual ailments.

Proverbs 4:20-22 (AMPC) says, My son, attend to my words; consent and submit to my sayings. Let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh.

God’s Word is literally medicine for our lives. That’s why I like to call it our “spiritual medicine chest.” Just like we would go to our medicine cabinet at home to get a bandage or ointment for a physical need, we can open up God’s medicine chest—His Word—and receive help with all of our spiritual needs.

Let me give you an example. Over the years, I have sought God’s help many times when it comes to my mouth and the things I say. I have a Type A personality, and I can be pretty direct and to-the-point. Before the Lord began to change me, I needed some serious help in this area! I was critical and judgmental. I talked too much, and I talked about things I probably shouldn’t have.

Sure, there were many areas of my life that needed help, but this is one that really required some special focus. As a result, I needed to find out what the Bible has to say about the words of my mouth.

If I was beginning my study today, I would first use a concordance to find every instance the Bible references the “mouth,” or “words,” or the “tongue.” Many Bibles have a concordance printed in the back. You can also buy a concordance at the bookstore (Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance has traditionally been my favorite), or you can reference any number of concordances online.

Once I have these references, I can then begin to look up every instance the Bible mentions this topic. For me, if I’m dealing with an issue like my mouth, it’s helpful to even write out these scriptures in a notebook or type them all out in a computer file to really get them planted deep on the inside. Then, I can always go back and reread them if I need some quick help in that area.

If there’s a specific scripture that is really helping you, you may even try memorizing it. Because the more you meditate on the Word—the more you think about it and roll it over and over in your mind—the more understanding and help you will receive in your life.

I wouldn’t trade anything for what the Lord has taught me over the years from His Word. It is truly priceless. I can honestly say that studying the Bible has changed my life—it has set me free, and it’s allowed me to be everything God created me to be.

I so desperately want the same for you. As you begin to dive deep into the Bible—as you discover what is says about you and the issues you deal with on a daily basis—God’s Word will teach you, encourage you, heal you...and transform your life in ways you can’t imagine.

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