Daily Devotion From Psalms
Daily Devotion From Psalms

I will not Fear

The Antidote for Fear


I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side. Psalm 3:5-6 (NIV)

Fear is one of the biggest problems people face, yet God’s Word encourages us frequently not to fear. One of the biggest reasons we do not need to fear is that God is with us. He will never fail us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8), and just as He sustained the psalmist David, He sustains us. Therefore, we can say with David, “I will not fear.”

Can you try to imagine your life without any fear? I find myself responding in fear much more often than I wish I did, and, perhaps like you, I am still studying God’s Word and praying about this area of my life because I want to live by faith and not allow fear to steal my joy. Fear brings torment (I John 4:18 ), and God does not want us tormented. He sent Jesus to earth so we could have an abundant quality of life and enjoy it (John 10:10).

At one time, I lived with great fears constantly. I am thankful that I have been delivered from most of them, but I want total victory in this area, and I am sure you do too. Don’t despair. God delivers us from our enemies “little by little” (Deuteronomy 7:22). Every day, you can get better and better in every way. Keep pressing in, and remember that God sustains you and that you can trust Him.


“Father, I trust You, and I trust that You are sustaining me, working in me, and delivering me from all my fears. I will not fear because I believe You are with me. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Link of the Day

Whether it’s nagging self-doubt, worries about the future, or social anxiety, God wants to help you! Take a few minutes to read through this teaching from Joyce, and invite Him to help you overcome that fear so you can begin to experience the full, beautiful life He wants for you (John 10:10).


Free from Fear



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