Daily Devotion From Psalms
Daily Devotion From Psalms

Delight in the Word of God

Follow God’s Road Map


Blessed is the one…whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. Psalm 1:1-2 (NIV)

God wants us to delight in His ways and to think about His Word over and over in order to understand it fully. The more we study, think about, and talk about God’s Word, the more we will benefit from it. People who give God’s Word a place of importance in their lives will be like trees planted by a stream of water, trees that never stop yielding good fruit, no matter how things are going in their life (Psalm 1:3). They will be steadfast and steady.

God’s Word is food for our spirit, and it keeps us strong. It enables us to go through difficulties yet continue walking in love and doing what we should be doing. It is important for us to not allow our circumstances to rule our behavior. We should always be guided by the Holy Spirit. Psalm 1 teaches us that this type of person will prosper in whatever they do. But the wicked are like chaff that blows away in the storms of life (vv. 3-4). They have no strength to stand firm when they are inconvenienced or suffering.


"Father, I want to be more like You—more full of peace, more patient with others, more led by You in everything I do. Help me stay strong in Your Word, keep You first in my life, and listen for Your voice as I make decisions. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Link of the Day

Wondering what your Bible can actually do for you? This teaching article from Joyce will show you the blessings that come with studying God’s Word!

How Studying God's Word Will Take You Where You Really Want to Go.