Translating the Good News for All Nations

Hand of Hope has Distributed Joyce’s Books in Over 160 Languages

Hand of Hope – Aug 15, 2024
1 min read

We’ve watched God’s Word and the Gospel message literally transform people’s lives, and that’s why we’re dedicated to sharing it in every nation and every language we can.

We have worked with local pastors and ministries around the world to translate 129 of Joyce’s titles into a combined 164 languages—including Arabic, Latvian, French, Chinese, Danish, Russian, Spanish, and Icelandic.

So many countries are “closed” to the Gospel, and Christian resources are often not readily available. However, we’ve been able to distribute more than 40 million of Joyce's books in these locations—providing the comfort, encouragement, and power of God’s Word to people who wouldn’t otherwise have access.

Thanks to the generous prayers and support of our partners, Joyce’s books like Battlefield of the Mind, Tell them I Love Them, Healing the Soul of a Woman, and The Power of Simple Prayer are being read by people and churches in nearly every corner of the world and often passed down from one generation to the next.

We’ve seen it over and over again: God’s love and the power of the Gospel translates into every language.

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