Who We Are @tag1>
Joyce shares the heart behind everything that we do at Hand of Hope and Joyce Meyer Ministries. @tag2>

Like most people, there’s a good chance you initially heard about Joyce Meyer Ministries through one of my TV or radio programs. Teaching God’s Word is where this ministry began, and it’s still my passion today.
However, since the very beginning, it’s been extremely important to my husband Dave and me to reach out to people who are hurting and make it one of the main focuses of our ministry.
We not only want to share the message of God’s love with people, we want to show them God’s love in practical ways.
In the early days of Joyce Meyer Ministries, we originally made a decision to allocate 10% of our income to help the hurting through world missions efforts. Over the years, we continued to increase this percentage incrementally.
Since that time, the mission of arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Hand of Hope, has continued to grow, helping people in numerous countries all around the world.
In fact, the more we have given to world missions—the more we have focused our efforts on helping those who can’t help themselves—the more God has provided us with greater resources, partnerships and opportunities to help even more people!
You might be aware that our motto at Joyce Meyer Ministries is to “Share Christ and Love People.”
I have such a passion for God’s Word. In fact, more than ever, I am interested in helping people get rooted and grounded in Christ and help them see the incredible benefits of studying God’s Word for themselves.
However, just as important is the message we preach through what we do. The Bible instructs us to not simply be “hearers” of the Word—it says we should also be “doers” of the Word (see James 1:22).
Love is not merely a sermon we preach or a feeling we wait to have. It is a decision we make to take action and help someone else have a better quality of life. When we do, the quality for our life becomes better.
The truth is many people have so much pain in their lives that they can’t hear what we say until we help relieve their suffering. That’s why I am firmly convinced that we must go armed and ready to help hurting people.
When we meet people’s physical needs, it opens the door wide for us to address their spiritual needs!
Sometimes, I think we can complicate things. We can get a multi-faceted vision that includes so many goals and objectives that we forget what it’s all really about.
That’s’ why I love Acts 10:38 so much. It says, He [Jesus] went around doing good... (NIV).
How simple! The One with the greatest ministry in history drew people to himself over and over in one major way: He loved them. And He is our example.
That’s why I love our motto, “Sharing Christ and Loving People.” It keeps it simple...and keeps us focused on what’s really important.
People are at the heart of everything we do.
I frequently tell the story about a bad toothache I had several years ago. In fact, it was an abscessed tooth that caused me tremendous discomfort.
Well, because of the dentists’ schedule, I was unable to see him for several days. During that time, I kept thinking, What must it be like for someone to have this kind of pain and not be able to get help?
It’s a reality all around the world. Multiplied millions of people have no access to health care. If they do, most can’t afford to pay for it.
Well, my experience led to a lot of conversations with my son, David, who is the CEO of Hand of Hope. Soon after, we made a decision to begin reaching people through various medical missions efforts.
I am so proud of our short-term medical and dental clinics that we began holding years ago. Our teams go to remote areas of the world, places where the need is the greatest.
In these locations, most of the time it’s the small, seemingly insignificant things that cause sickness and death—dehydration, diarrhea, or small scratches that get infected.
Volunteer doctors and nurses, who serve with our teams at their own expense, diagnose and treat these precious people, dramatically improving their quality of life.
Are you ready for this? To date, we have treated over 375,000 people and prayed with more than 129,000 to receive Christ!
Friends, it is amazing how little it takes to completely transform someone’s life. And when we join together to meet the needs of other people—when we combine our resources and efforts—it increases our impact even more...
We learned a long time ago that we can’t be experts at everything.
So we look for partnerships with organizations and people who have dedicated their lives to reaching a particular region. And when we join forces, it allows us to do so much more than either of us could have ever done on our own.
Through key partnerships, we have been able to serve over 449 million meals, operate hospitals and clinics for those who can’t afford medical care, and broadcast our TV program in 105 languages all across the world.
For the past decade, we’ve also teamed up with organizations to rescue hundreds of girls from the horrors of human trafficking in Greece, Ukraine, Thailand, Ethiopia, South Africa, the United States and other nations. Our recovery homes serve as a refuge for the to grow strong and healthy, learn valuable life skills, and experience restoration through Jesus Christ.
It is through partnerships that we can distribute my books in over 160 languages to millions around the world...offer food, water, clothes, and other necessities to thousands of refugees...and air our Enjoying Everyday Life TV show in places like the Middle East.
No matter how much influence a ministry has, no organization can specialize in every area. That’s’ why we all need each other. When we all pool our talents, God not only gets in the middle of our efforts, but He also gets the credit for the outcome.
Helping people is my passion, and I have dedicated the rest of my life to relieving human suffering and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Years ago, Dave and I could have never imagined the places God would send us to share His love and minister to those who desperately need help.
Today, Hand of Hope is able to feed the hungry, treat and prevent illnesses in impoverished nations, rescue children from the streets, and point people to Christ though our TV and radio programs and conferences.
Simply put, we can’t do any of this without our friends and partners, the ones who are supporting these outreaches and making it all possible. Sure, on our own, we can do some things. But together our success multiplies exponentially!
As we each do what we can, then God adds His part and, together, we make a huge difference in the world. God takes what you give, blesses it, multiplies it, then uses it to transform people’s lives.
I have personally made a commitment to always take justice and relief wherever I take God’s Word. I’ve decided to love people and do everything possible to make life better for those who are hurting. And I’m committed to sharing Christ and loving people in any way that I can.
I hope you will join me.
Updated: October 2022