Raising Them Up

How Together We’re Rescuing and Giving Babies A Safe Home

Hand of Hope – Feb 12, 2025
2 min read
A smiling girl in a yellow dress with braided hair; an inset shows her as a solemn toddler, highlighting her growth.

Every child deserves to know the love and security of their mother and father, but sadly many babies never get that chance.

That’s why we’re partnering with Watoto, an organization in Uganda dedicated to helping rescue and raise babies who have been orphaned or left alone. There, they receive the practical and educational care they need, all while learning that they are sons and daughters of their heavenly Father, who loves them unconditionally. Julian is one of many precious girls who’ve been given a new lease on life through this outreach.

In December 2013, when she was almost seven months old, Julian was abandoned on the verandah of a church. A member of the church found her and immediately reached out for help. Local authorities searched for her family, but unfortunately, they weren’t able to find her parents or any relatives, so Julian was brought to Baby Watoto Gulu for the love and protection she needed.

As Julian was showered with love and attention from the amazing nannies and volunteers there, she began to thrive and grow into a healthy, happy toddler. And as she blossomed, she eventually graduated from Baby Watoto and moved into her new home at one of the Watoto villages in Gulu, Uganda where she’s being doted on by Mama Jennifer and her Watoto brothers and sisters.

Today, Julian is a smart, vibrant 10-year-old girl who is currently traveling throughout Norway and the U.K. with the Watoto Children’s Choir, sharing her love of Jesus with everyone she meets.

She is a beautiful example of a life transformed thanks to the love of Christ and faithful partnership from people like you. No longer abandoned, this sweet girl is now touring the world sharing her faith and what God has done in her life. We couldn’t be prouder!

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