Feeding the Hungry and Sharing Hope

How Hand of Hope Feeding Programs Nourishes more than Hunger

Hand of Hope – Aug 15, 2024

While many people enjoy three square meals a day, there are so many who are fighting for their lives and regularly go hungry. That’s why we are honored to provide millions of nutritious meals each year to precious children and families in 27 nations—at schools, inner-city food pantries, and through 775 feeding centers worldwide. And we’re not just filling their stomachs…but we’re giving them a future.

Many of our feeding centers serve as safe havens for children at-risk. Some have experienced the nightmare of abuse, while others are loved but forced to work due to extreme poverty. Many kids are largely neglected because their parents work long hours, are physically disabled, or make their living by prostitution. Sometimes the children work long hours themselves.

So, the hot meals, love, and attention they receive at our feeding centers provide a lifeline for their health and safety…and opportunities for a great life. Most of our feeding programs also offer children with a basic education—something many families simply can’t afford. As they receive the proper nutrition, it gives them the energy and excitement to learn, grow and dream. Time and again, the kids tell us what they hope to be when they grow up—doctors, nurses, teachers, and police officers. For the very first time, they see a bright future!

At the center of it all, we share the message of God’s great love with all those who attend our outreaches and feeding sites. There’s nothing more beautiful than watching a young child pray to begin their relationship with Jesus Christ. And it doesn’t end there. Many of their parents accept Christ and begin to attend the local churches as a family. In fact, we are seeing whole communities gradually change as we focus on simply providing meals and meeting their needs.

It is our great privilege to step in and provide nourishing meals where simple meals like rice and beans are considered a luxury. Thanks to your support, more than 508.9 million meals have been distributed to the undernourished worldwide.

Mission Milestones

27 Countries Served
775 Feeding Sites
More than 29.2 million Meals Served In 2023
508.9+ million Meals Distributed to Date