Two Things to Help You Get Closer to God

Unlocking Divine Power

Joyce Meyer
3 min read

One thing I’ve learned over the years is that the more intimate we are with Him, the more powerful our lives will be. That’s because we begin to resemble and act like those we spend time with. So, if we “hang out” with Christ, we will eventually become more like Christ. The trouble is many of us don’t spend a whole lot of time with Him.

Intimacy Takes Time—and Truth

It’s seems like so many people are afraid to make time to get to know Him, to study His character. Or we’re scared to seek wisdom and guidance from Him because of what we think He might tell us. It looks as if we’re terrified of simply being with Him. And so that kind of power—the kind that makes the devil nervous when we wake up in the morning—often doesn’t develop very much in our lives.

God’s Word tells us that the truth will make us free. And in the book of Psalms, it says that David sought one thing of the Lord and basically, that was time with Him.

So, to develop intimacy that cultivates power with God, we have to face the truth that God reveals to us about ourselves. We must get a hold on our thoughts—thoughts about ourselves, our past or future, even thoughts about God. God loves us very much, but He is not willing to leave us in our mess. He is always ready and waiting to change us from the inside out.

“He is always ready and waiting to change us from the inside out.”

It takes time for that to happen because we first need to be able to see the truth about ourselves, and many times, that is the hardest part of growing because we don’t like what we see. We may pray for God to change our circumstances, but we need to be able to face the fact that He wants to change us—regardless of the circumstances. So many times the Holy Spirit will reveal things that we just don’t want to see about ourselves. But remember, the truth will set us free! So don’t be afraid to change; be more afraid of staying the same!

How God Really Sees You

But God is not mad at us. If you’re a parent just think of this: Can you love any of your children more than you do right now? Do you still want to see changes in their behavior? Well, it’s the same way with our heavenly Father. He loves us—period. He loves us now as much as He ever will. That will not change. But He still wants to see us grow and mature and experience the best He has planned for us.

God really does love us, and He always has our best interest in mind. The more we trust Him, the more we’ll want to spend time with Him. The more time we spend with Him, the more we change and the more His power develops in our lives. And the more powerful our lives are, the more nervous the devil will be when we open our eyes and get out of bed in the morning!

So, schedule a few private meetings with God. Talk to Him about your problems. Face the truth He reveals to you about yourself. Trust that He is always working for you to live an abundant, fruitful, powerful life!

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