A Brand New Say @tag1>
Unlocking Confidence: Seven Powerful Secrets for Women to Embrace Their True Worth @tag2>

God wants you to be free from your worries.
Okay, be honest, did you read that last sentence and think, Joyce, I have so much to worry about…if you only knew what I was going through, you’d realize how hard it is.
Trust me, I know exactly where you’re coming from because I’ve been there multiple times before! But here’s what God always puts in my heart when I’m facing a trial that has me feeling down… “Cheer up! Cast your cares. Trust in My Word. I’m here for you. This too shall pass.”
It’s as true for you as it is for me! God loves you. He is looking and longing to be gracious to you…because all He sees is Christ in you!
But here’s a question to ask yourself: Do you agree with Him? I know we’re apt to think that we do, so I think the best way to find out for sure is to listen to the words we say.
Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) says, The tongue has the power of life and death.... So, I’m encouraging you to get serious about your words. Stop worrying. Stop complaining. And start making decisions to agree with God’s Word.
I believe that we can make a difference in the world just by speaking the truth. Here are a few areas where choosing the right words will make a tremendous difference in your life:
Agree with God About Yourself
God loves you, He chose you, and He has a good plan for your life—and He wants all of that to be cemented in your heart. So, if you have a hard time agreeing with Him in those areas, then start confessing the truth!
Say to yourself, I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I am made acceptable in the Beloved. God formed me with His own hand, He loves me, and God doesn’t make mistakes.
God doesn’t want you to feel “less than” other people. He wants you to seek and discover the good things He put inside you, and pursue the opportunities he sets before you.
Agree with God About Others
Did you know that you are a person of influence? God has set you in a place and gifted you to share the Gospel in your own special way. Just as the Holy Spirit encourages you to become all God has designed you to be, you can build up the people you encounter each day.
It’s very inexpensive to give a compliment. “I like your hair” or “God loves you” or “I appreciate you for what you do.” Just a few properly chosen words can change a person’s life for the better (Proverbs 15:23)! Ask the Holy Spirit to help you form a habit of adding value to everyone you meet!
Agree with God About Your Future
God has a great future for you! First Corinthians 2:9 (NKJV) says, "...Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him."
We need to live with an eternal mindset, remember what God has done for us, and trade our murmuring and complaining for praise and thanksgiving. We can even talk about our problems in a positive way.
For example, you might say, “This isn’t easy for me and it’s challenging, but I believe God is working—and He has a purpose in everything He does! I know that if I trust Him and keep a good attitude, He will work it all out for my good.”
Don’t complain and remain. Praise God, and make progress.
God wants us to enjoy our lives (John 10:10). As you begin to speak in agreement with His Word, He will lift you up above the everyday frustrations you face, and cause you to be genuinely joyful, peaceful, and worry free.