Celebrating Jesus' Birth @tag1>
And discovering what Christmas is all about! @tag2>

Jesus came into the world so we could be redeemed from our sins, know God, and experience His very best in our lives. He wants to have close fellowship with us and be a part of every single thing we do.
This is why Emmanuel means, “God with us.”
He wants to be with us, intimately involved in our lives. He wants us to know His voice and follow Him.
God wants us to clearly hear from Him. He does not want us living in confusion and fear.
We are to be decisive, secure, and free. He wants each of us to fulfill our destiny and to walk in the fullness of His plan for us.
Yes, we can hear from God in a personal, intimate way!
In fact, the depth of our personal relationship with God is based on intimate communication with Him. He speaks to us so He can regularly guide, refresh, restore and renew us.
Are you listening?
The first step toward hearing anyone, including God, is to listen. Turn your ear toward Him and be still. He will speak to you to tell you He loves you.
God wants to meet your needs and do more than you could ever think or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). His Word says He will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
It’s a privilege to listen to Him and follow Him all the days of your life.
Follow the leader.
I love John 10:4-5 which tells us that we are His sheep, and the sheep know the Shepherd’s voice. It says the sheep will not follow the voice of a stranger.
I want you to really think about this today: About 2,000 years ago, Almighty God sent His only Son because He loves you!
God longs for a close, intimate relationship with you, and He wants to lead and guide you into His perfect will for your life. A life filled with His peace and joy...one that glorifies Him and shares His love with others.
And that’s what Christmas is all about.