Do It Afraid

Joyce Meyer – Oct 14, 2024
A close up of a Bible, the pages being flipped through.

Adapted from Quiet Times with God

Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you….

Fear is an enemy that torments the soul and seeks to steal our peace and joy. Totally conquering fear is not something that we do in one day, or even a thousand days. It is something we conquer one day at a time with God’s help.

Fear can show up quite unexpectedly in many ways. One of our goals should be to recognize it so we can deal with it promptly. You can’t defeat an enemy you don’t know is there.

Being free from fear doesn’t mean that we will never experience it or be confronted by it. It means that we are committed to not allowing it to rule our lives, and when necessary, we will do what we need to do, even if we have to do it afraid.

Prayer of the Day: Lord, Help me to recognize fear at its onset and keep moving forward in Your strength. Guide me and give me peace, especially in trying times, amen.

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