The Trust Test

Joyce Meyer – Oct 13, 2024
A cup of coffee and an open Bible ready for reading a daily devotional sitting by a lake.

Adapted from Ending Your Day Right

Trust in, lean on, rely on, and have confidence in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is a refuge for us (a fortress and a high tower). Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

One thing you can expect to encounter in your journey with God is the trust test. How many times do you say to God, “What is going on in my life? What are You doing? What is happening? I don’t understand.” If you are in a place right now where nothing in your life makes any sense, trust God anyway.

You are not just to have faith and trust in God once in a while or from time to time, but at all times. You must learn to live from faith to faith, trusting the Lord when things are good and when things are bad. There is no such thing as trusting God without unanswered questions. There are always going to be things you just don’t understand.

Prayer of the Day: Father God, help me to completely trust You, even when I don’t understand what is happening in my life. I know Your plan is always good, amen.

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