My Time with God - Bible Study
Enjoy the sweet moments with God in this 7-day Bible study. Join Joyce Meyer as she helps give you fresh focus on how much God loves you and He wants to help you with your life. Sign up now!
Whether you’ve been reading your Bible for years or you are brand new to it all, it’s always the right time to learn how to dive deep into God’s Word and truly study it! Joyce’s easy-to-follow 14-day study is a great place to begin! Drawing from over 45 years of experience in studying God’s Word, Joyce shares tools and tips to help you get the most out of your study time, and encouragements to keep you moving forward each day. Whether you need wisdom, strength, hope, or direction, God’s Word has your answers, and it’s the key to living a joyful, fulfilling life. We’re excited for you to discover the amazing journey He has planned for you.
Each email contains a daily lesson from Joyce that will encourage you to study God’s Word, pray, and trust God for the growth and change you want to see.
A prayer closes each day's teaching to help get your conversation flowing with God, and empower you to put key principles from His Word into practice.
Get ready for some real-world application of God’s Word! These hands-on activities will help you put Joyce’s devotions into practice immediately.
Most of Joyce’s devotionals are followed by a teaching article or video that allows you to delve deeper into the topic of the day and apply it to your life.
Enjoy the sweet moments with God in this 7-day Bible study. Join Joyce Meyer as she helps give you fresh focus on how much God loves you and He wants to help you with your life. Sign up now!
Joy, hope, and love are the gifts you'll receive when you accept the saving grace of Jesus. Joyce Meyer encourages you to receive the gift of Jesus Christ.
Pursue a closer daily walk with God through Everyday Study with Joyce Meyer. Receive weekly, encouragement with scriptures, videos and tips from Joyce. Sign up today!
Develop a habit of studying the Bible and discover how God’s Word can change your thoughts and change your life! Sign-up now with this free 30-Day Bible Study based on Joyce’s bestselling book, Battlefield of the Mind.