Are You Using Your Faith? @tag1>

Adapted from Trusting God Day by Day
...Think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.
It may sound spiritual to say, “I am full of faith,” but are you using your faith? Faith is released by praying, saying, and doing whatever God asks us to do.
Praying. Most of us believe that prayer is powerful, so that should always be our first response. We invite God to get involved in our situations through our prayers. The Bible says tremendous power is made available through the prayers of a righteous man. Since we have been given the righteousness of God through our faith in Christ, we can come boldly to the throne of grace, and by faith, ask for help in plenty of time to meet our need (see Heb. 4:16). Don’t merely pray for the problem to go away, or that you will get something you need or desire but also pray that God will strengthen you during your waiting period. Pray that you will have the grace to wait with a good attitude. A good attitude glorifies God and is a good witness of our faith to others.
Saying. After we have prayed, it’s important that we talk as if we truly believe God is working in our favor. We don’t have to deny the existence of the problem, but we should talk about it as little as possible. It is also very important to include in our conversation that we believe God is involved and we are expecting a breakthrough. Hold fast your confession of faith in God!
Doing. The third ingredient in releasing your faith is to do whatever you believe God is asking you to do. Obedience is a key to our victory and shows that we have faith in God. Sometimes He even asks us to do nothing, and in that case, nothing is what we need to do.
If we are hearers of the Word and not doers, we are deceiving ourselves through reasoning that is contrary to the truth (see James 1:22).
Satan will use fear to steal our destiny if we allow him to, but our faith has more power than fear when it is released.
Prayer of the Day: Lord, help me use my faith daily by praying, speaking boldly, and obeying Your guidance and Your Word. Strengthen me as I wait and let my actions only glorify You, amen.