And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
Our obedience to God must not be based on our circumstances, because the circumstances of our lives are not always enjoyable. I have determined that when I go through a difficult time, I will simply keep showing up. This means I continue doing what I would do if I had no trouble. I keep my commitments, spend time with God as usual, and make a practice of continuing to be good and kind to the people around me.
Is it easy? No, it isn’t easy. Doing what is right is always easier if we feel like doing it, but we are to give thanks and …bless the Lord at all times…(Psalm 34:1 ESV). In addition, we are to continue to obey Him at all times.
Doing what is right when it is hard always helps us grow in Christian character. Jesus did this regularly, and we are called to be transformed into His image and let Him be our example in all things. If you are going through something difficult right now, just keep showing up and doing the right thing. In time, your trouble will pass, and you will have gained a victory over the enemy.
Prayer of the Day: Father, help me to be strong in You and keep showing up and doing what is right, no matter how I feel or what my circumstances are like. Thank You.