How to Succeed in All Things @tag1>
Adapted from Strength for Each Day
If we want to succeed at what we do, it is vital that we invite God to be in charge of the project. Whether we are trying to build a marriage, a business, or a life, our labor will be in vain unless God is the head of the building committee.
Think about your life today and ask yourself if you are trying to do things that you have not invited God to be part of. If so, I can assure you that you are struggling and probably frustrated because things are not working out well. God is waiting to be invited to help you, and all you need to do is ask Him. Humble yourself under His hand, and He will guide and direct you.
Prayer of the Day: Father, I am sorry for leaving You out of so many things in my life. I recognize that I need You and that nothing will prosper without You. Please help me, guide me, and direct me in all my efforts. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.